We maintain a tight focus from the very outset of each assignment, conducting an initial analysis of client's needs and setting up performance specifications.

Since client's work environments are dynamic, our specification processes are designed to accommodate continual updates.

Our Operations Coordinators continuously track the changing requirements at a facility, and work with the Site Supervisor and the MBM cleaning crew to ensure that any new requirements are fully grasped and implemented.


To ensure exacting adherence to job specifications, we employ a three-tiered supervisory structure, consisting of a Site Supervisor, an Operations Coordinator, and an Account Manager.

This team is responsible for monitoring all aspects of service to our clients, and is constantly on the lookout for opportunities to improve our service.

Every client facility has a unique environment. At MBM, we work hard to ensure a correct fit between our cleaning crews and their particular work assignments.

Whether that environment is an automotive assembly plant, a laboratory with hazardous-material disposal requirements, a static-free, dust-intolerant robotic manufacturing facility, or a high profile corporate multi-tenanted office complex, our clients can rest assured that the work crews at their location will possess the necessary, aptitude, skills and training needed for their unique facility.

We achieve this by hiring only experienced custodians who pass our anchor-based selection process.


Commercial Office Space
Supplying Day Porters & Matrons

Industrial Plant & Warehouse Maintenance
Multiple Site Projects
High Profile Projects
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© MBM Cleaning Services Inc. 2007
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  > Thorough Training
> Crew Empowerment - Shared Aspirations
> Use of Statistical Control
> Stringent Monitoring Systems
> Superior Technology

> Rapid Communication - Responding to the unexpected
> Continuous Improvement