Commitment to achieve our health and safety goals is an embedded value that we are striving everyday to improve. Health and safety is the responsibility of employees,supervisors and management in all functions. Policy means nothing unless it works.

How do we strive to connect what we say and what we do?

We drive compliance by:
- extensive safety and liability audit at job start up.
- stringent policies to ensure compliance with specifications.
- Site-specific training for work crews.
- Detailed records of all PPE supplied , and of any related training.
- WHMIS training
- Annual review of WHMIS training
- Detailed site specific procedures for swift emergency response.
- On site Tool Box talks to review facility hazards.

We drive common MBM expectation
Having a common framework of health and safety expectations for all our sites. MBM has developed clear communication tools to help all workers,supervisors and managers to understand our expectations and measure their progress for every site.
- Instructor led training is conducted for all workers
- MBM has launched our CD-ROM based H&S training.
- current projects include Multilanguage tools to ensure consistency in training everywhere we operate.

We drive accountability by:
- Monthly Review of all sites measuring performance and compliance with H&S objectives.
- Team Leaders,Supervisors, and Managers are held accountable for their locations.
- Site Scorecards are used as a reporting tool to top management on H&S results.


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