Our implementation strategy is to define our clients’ requirements. We can then measure our performance against these standards and analyze our efforts to improve our service, particularly with the use of appropriate management and supervisory controls. Through our clients’ help we have established a base line of specifications from which we focus our initial cleaning efforts. Since our clients’ needs are constantly changing DMAIC is an excellent way for us to track our performance against their expectations.

This process of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) is a powerful analysis tool that provides a consistent level of service. We further use FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) at the start of every contract to anticipate problems and take steps to counteract them.

Our focus through a process FMEA analysis is to determine:
1. What can go wrong at a site?
2. What would cause it to go wrong?
3. How can we prevent this cause from creating a problem?
4. What is our containment action should the problem occur?
5. What can we do to minimize the impact of this problem on our client?
6. What will be our corrective action?

Our actual process analysis is quite complex. We initially map the process of delivering our service at all accounts. We then try to identify all the points at which it could fail and why. This takes into consideration Severity of each cause, the Opportunity for failure and Detection and an overall criticality rating. From this analysis we set up work procedures, rules and responsibilities to eliminate or minimize the impact of any potential concerns before they even exist. We also focus on conducting the most efficient use of the resources (cleaning time) provided by our clients’. This takes into consideration Effort and Impact analysis so that each activity that we provide has a maximum Impact on each facility’s needs. The overall result is a very efficient level of service.

We exercise similar due diligence for our Health and Safety and Security programs.

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