By constantly improving our efficiencies through ISO 9002, we make the best use of our resources. This translates into lower costs for you, and is one of the key reasons why we can offer so much more, and yet keep our rates competitive.

At MBM, we use a three-tier supervisory structure to secure exact compliance with client specifications. We start with a fully documented client-needs analysis. We follow through with computerized scheduling, statistical-methods monitoring, and precise auditing. We review your account on a monthly basis, making specific operational recommendations on the basis of our audit findings.

You will be glad to know we are good. But you will be gladder to know we are never satisfied.

At MBM, cleaning is a serious business. Continuous quality monitoring is the cornerstone of our operation.

We start with a detailed facility audit. For instance, if your facility is an office tower, we stand ready to analyze your specific security requirements for document control, including shredder bins, wastebaskets, workstations and tabletops.

As we proceed with your assignment, we apply a scheduled sequence of quality checks. Further, our staff are trained to respond to your special needs at every step of the way.

At MBM, our quality program allows our management to set quality goals.
Our systems are dynamic and reflect up-to-date changes. They are simple and easy to use.

We constantly review our delivery system to evaluate the service process, review corrective actions and analyze and evaluate preventive actions.

Our reviews ensure that:
. All requests for service are processed efficiently.
. Requirements of each contract are defined and documented.
. We achieve customer satisfaction, ensure company capability in terms of schedule, equipment, materials and personnel.
. As a result of the reviews, control points and statistical measurements are added or deleted as necessary.

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